Friday, May 30, 2008

A woman President for America - First in history

If Hillary Clinton, wife of former President Bill Clinton and lawyer-cum-Senator were to be elected to the highest office in the United States of America, the country would have its first American President. But results show otherwise. Hillary stood neck-to- neck in the race alongside Barrack Obama. But somewhere along the line she lost her holding. As, of now Democratic US Presidential front-runner Barack Obama is leading in many primaries including Pennsylvania and Arizona.

Obama is likely to pip her to the post. There is intense bickering going on between the two. This doensn't bode good for the future of the Democratic party.

Party bosses say if the fight continues until August, the party would lose three crucial months of campaigning.

Democratic party leaders are likely to pressurize the former US First Lady to withdraw if she performs badly in the crucial Pennsylvania primary.

India has its first woman President in Pratibha Patil. Would America repeat the same story?

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