Thursday, May 22, 2008

A promiscious First Lady

Cherie Blair occupies prominent place in the headlines with her embarassingly vacuous memoirs 'Speaking for myself' which have left even her admirers shaking their heads, if not choking over their breakfast. Some of the harshest criticism has come from women commentators who believe she has diminished herself by revealing intimate details of her personal life, including a girlie account of her affairs before she finally found Tony Blair.

Another female columnist, Jenny McCartney of the Sunday Telegraph complained of a surfeit of unnecessary and embarassing 'personal details' in the book such as how she started dating Tony after meeting him atop a double-decker bus while still having affairs with two other men.

In the end however she paid for her independence and refusal to conform to the conventional idea of a Prime Minister's spouse, though why independent women loathe her so much remains a mystery.

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