Monday, September 15, 2008

Adorning the head

From father to son, from son to grandson..... such is the tradition of 'peta'making that Paramesh, a descendant of "Peta' Devayya has specialised in.

Mr. Paramesh, who has learnt the art of making 54 different 'petas' from his father, also makes 'zari' petas for the scion Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wodiyar and other royal family members. 'Our job is to make 150 petas for private Dasara celebrations.

Rachavara, Kattige Peta and Pagu are a few types of 'peta' made for the palace staff depending on the job they performed at the palace.

Inside information about the petas reveal:The size and shape of petas differ from people to people depending on their post and the work entrusted to them during the private Dasara celebrations' he says.

On all days of the Dasara celebrations, the traditional rituals are observed at the palace.

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