Thursday, July 24, 2008

A 'human' explosion

As the world observed Population Day on Thursday, the question of survival in this highly demanding world is haunting every individual. At the same time, the knowledge that all the awareness campaigns to control population has yielding very few results is disturbing.

What better way to convey a message than put it through an understandable medium? Art has been a very convenient medium to convey relevant messages to humanity since time immemorial and the sand artists of Udupi were quick to seize their opportunity.

Sand Art, a troupe specialised in sand art, keeping their tradition of manifesting something new in their creation, in collaboration with city-based Radha developers, created a sand art portraying effects of population explosion.

The work was not just aesthetically appealing but was also a food for thought as every angle and every aspect of the art spoke eloquently about the effect of the population explosion on the future.

The work has two major parts. The upper part has a huge building structure while the lower part had a number of human faces that expressed a variety of emotions like hunger, pain, anguish, worry, anxiety and so on. The left side portrayed how the nature is being affected due to population explosion.

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